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[단어 비교] rebuke vs reprimand

: 1. 질책하다. 꾸짖다.
: 2. 질책(꾸짖음)

: 1. 질책하다.
: 2. 질책

같이 꾸짖다. 질책하다. 라는 뜻을 가진 두 가지 단어의 차이점은 무엇일까?

https://wikidiff.com/rebuke/reprimand 아래의 링크에서 두 단어의 차이점에 대한 설명을 발견했다.

As nouns the difference between rebuke and reprimand is that rebuke is a harsh criticism while reprimand is a severe, formal or official reproof; reprehension, rebuke, private or public.
As verbs the difference between rebuke and reprimand is that rebuke is to criticise harshly; to reprove while reprimand is to reprove in a formal or official way

Rebuke는 거친 비판인 반면에 reprimand는 엄중하고 형식적이고 공식적인 질첵이다. 설명을 보니 reprimand가 신사적인 질첵이라는 느낌이 들었다. 하지만 아직 두 단어의 명확한 차이가 느껴지지 않았다. 좀 더 구글링을 해보았다.

Rebuke is basically a scolding of a higher intensity. You can rebuke pretty much anyone (if you’re audacious enough). Reprimand is used when you formally rebuke someone. It might be your employee, an apprentice, your colleague, anyone with whom you share formal connections (and reprimand him in a formal manner).

rebuke는 좀 더 범용적인 질책으로 어떠한 상황에서도 사용이 가능한 단어이지만 reprimand는 공식적이고 형식적인 특별한 상황에서의 질책을 할 때 사용한 다는 느낌이 들었다. 예제를 살펴보았을 때 rebuke는 좀 더 자유롭게 사용하지만 reprimand는 특정 상황에 선호되는 느낌을 받았다. 다음 인용문에서 그 느낌을 설명해주는 것 같다.

예제는 https://sentencedict.com 에서 찾았다. 다른 단어의 예제를 찾을 때 유용한 사이트인 듯하다. 이제 단어의 쓰임세를 익혀보자.

reprimand sentence example

1. His boss gave him a reprimand for being late.
2. The manager earned himself a severe reprimand for criticizing the referee.
3. He received a severe reprimand for his behaviour.
4. His negligence passed without reprimand.
5. Her attempts to reprimand him were quickly shouted down.
6. His parents will reprimand him when he shows them his report card.
7. She was issued with a reprimand for leaking the news.
8. His boss gave him a severe reprimand for being late.
9. Meekins got a letter of reprimand.
10. Where was the reprimand for her audacity?
11. The House will vote Tuesday on whether to reprimand the speaker, as the ethics committee recommended.
12. Soon, the horse will associate shying with a reprimand from his rider.
13. Republicans have been hoping for a reprimand because that is a punishment that would not force Gingrich automatically to relinquish the speakership.
14. The commission unanimously voted to reprimand Williams for lying about the Las Vegas hotel rooms.
15. Batley and Sheffield Eagles received a severe reprimand yesterday for the fighting which took place during their first-round Yorkshire Cup tie.
16. Options range from no action to a fine, reprimand, censure or expulsion from the House.
17. A reprimand would allow Gingrich to keep his leadership job, while a formal censure would strip Gingrich of his speakership.
18. The reprimand stops just short of a vote of censure,[sentencedict.com/reprimand.html] which would have forced Gingrich to resign as speaker.
19. Of those, a reprimand is the mildest, but it must be debated and voted on by the full House.
20. Watkins told the committee he believed his reprimand was unjustified.
21. The chief superintendent seemed to revel in the reprimand he issued to her.
22. The House voted to punish the senator with a formal reprimand.
23. He has been fined five thousand pounds and given a severe reprimand.
24. The youth was later dealt with by way of a reprimand.
25. With some effort he looked down at his feet as if to reprimand them.
26. The girls exchanged nervous glances, thinking that it must be Miss Hardbroom come to reprimand them for being out of bed.
27. If he neglected his physical body, there was no one here to reprimand him, for the whole community was woefully neglected.
28. Wigan team-mate Kelvin Skerrett, who did the same, received a severe reprimand.
29. Landing safely on the rocky river shore, she endured a reprimand from a friend.
30. Only 26 members of his own party ended up voting not to reprimand him.

rebuke sentence example

1. Even one minute's lateness would earn a stern rebuke
2. His bad manners earned him a sharp rebuke.
3. He meekly accepted the rebuke.
4. He was silenced by her stinging rebuke.
5. He received a stern rebuke from the manager.
6. The teacher delivered a sharp rebuke to the class.
7. She answered with no hint of rebuke.
8. They received a public rebuke from the prime minister for their handling of the matter.
9. UN member countries delivered a strong rebuke to both countries for persisting with nuclear testing programs.
10. He had to put up with a smart rebuke from the teacher.
11. He hit back with a stinging rebuke to his critics.
12. The Soviet media did not openly rebuke Ceausescu for his reception of Carrington.
13. Until recently, Camille would have responded to a rebuke with a display of bestial ferocity.
14. This is meant to rebuke the visitor: these monkeys have an opera company!
15. The rebuke or the dismissal, then, becomes more fuel for their assumption that things are always being done to them.
16. Andrew was not going to accept rebuke or defeat from this untutored beauty.
17. I wondered about how he responded to the rebuke his parents must have given him.
17. Sentencedict.com try its best to collect and make good sentences.
18. Sometimes this seems almost to rebuke me, to be a heavy price to pay for a simple preference of male anatomy.
19. But unheeded fell this mild rebuke on the Captain.
20. I stood abashed at his rebuke.
21. He is callous to rebuke.
22. It is a mark of depravity to make a mock of good advice and kind rebuke.
23. If the general found his authority questioned he invariably administered a sharp rebuke.
24. She could see Alison's roses and felt them to be a rebuke.
25. In March 1922 Steel-Maitland proposed a strong motion of confidence in Younger that was a clear rebuke to his critics.
26. Even ten years later, he felt the sting of the rebuke, the motive for which he still fails to understand.
27. Evans swore beneath his breath and Jack reached out and gripped him in rebuke.
28. Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole could not leave it dangling as a rebuke to his legislative skills during his presidential campaign.
29. And a multitude of stuffed owls, peering through the candlelight, would mutely rebuke stuffed shirts.
30. He had felt like beating her up, so it seemed a mild enough rebuke for the trouble she'd caused him. 1. Even one minute's lateness would earn a stern rebuke.